Package: The Complete Kit “Collector’s Limited Edition”

2,000 kr2,010 kr

Watch the Announcement Video (volume 3)

• The Masters of Pixel Art vol 1 “Collector’s Limited Edition” + eBook
• The Masters of Pixel Art vol 2 + eBook
• The Masters of Pixel Art vol 3 + eBook
• The Calendar
• The mini poster collection (32 pcs)
• All bookmarks (50 pcs)
• All postcards (24 pcs)

Get everything in a massive package deal!

All items arrived safely in the UK today, impressed with the paper quality of both books. ” / Mark G

Loving the books like crazy 😀 ” / Jonathan Nertlinge

I received both volumes in California. The boxes were pretty beat up but they did the job and protected the books. ” / Paul Koerber

 The quality is really outstanding. Thank you, count me in for the second volume! ” / candyman

I just received it today. It’s even better than I expected. Thank you for this project, this is my best spent money on Kickstarter so far. ” / Bence Szabolcs

Book is amazing, thanks! ” / Rajesh Singh

Oh, man, what a great book! Nice layout, high quality print and paper, and a really good selection of artists. Nice job! ” / Henning Naarlien-Tolpinrud

Got my book yesterday and it’s amazing! Thanks for the hard work. ” / schefei

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All three books & eBooks, the calendar, poster collection and all bookmarks & postcards in a discounted package deal!
This is the perfect chance to get everything in a discounted deal, including the “Collector’s Limited Edition” of volume 1.

Volume 1 – the “Amiga” book
Volume 1 features images with 5- to 8-bit colour depth. Some of the best pixel art work ever created on the Amiga, but also from the Atari and PC. The “Collector’s Limited Edition” is the support edition for pixel art fans who want to back the production of future books in this series. The collector’s edition is identical to the normal book, but with cover title in gold and a special designed endpage. All books are individually numbered (from a limited series of 100) and signed with a dedication, if wanted.

Volume 2 – the “c64” book
Volume 2 features images from the Commodore 64, together with pixel art from other “exotic low-end” machines like the Amstrad CPC, ZX Spectrum, Atari XL-XE, Commodore Plus/4 and MSX.

Volume 3 – contemporary pixel art
This book features pictures from the next generation of artists, working and developing the concept of pixel arts. With this book, we explore and present the best of the best pixel art today.

The book was announced with this video:

The Calendar
The Masters of Pixel Art Calendar features a selection of brilliant pixel art images representing each month as the seasons pass through the year.

• The calendar features no less than 12 (!) images from the books (6 images from vol. 1 & 2, plus 6 images from vol. 3)
• Each image represent the seasons’ change in pixel art (following northern hemisphere)
• The calendar is not year-dependent = reuse any year in the future
• 298 x 230 mm (closed size), 298 x 460 mm (foldup size)
• Perfect Christmas / New Year’s gift!

The Postcards
A set of 24 high quality postcards with pixel art from volume 3. Colour print on 350 g cardboard paper.

The Bookmarks
The complete set of bookmarks. 50 unique images from volume 1, 2 and 3. Printed on heavy paper with glossy varnish.

The Mini Poster Collection
A beautiful collection of 32 high quality prints from volume 1 and 2. Ideal to frame and put on the wall. No more cutting from the book!

Featured Artists – volume 1
Alex, Alien, Angeldawn, Antony, Archipics, Archmage, Bay Tremore (Duke), Bridgeclaw, Cheetah, Chevron, Cyclone, Das, Darklight, Destop, Devilstar, Electron, Facet, Fade One, Fairfax, Fiver (theunitedstatesofamerica), Fool, GFX-twins, Haplo, Havok, Hof, J.O.E., Jaco, Jamon, Jok, Kris, Lazur, Made, Mazor (Kidlove), Mon, MRK, Mrmo Tarius, Niko, Orhan, Pixie, Prowler, Ra, Rork, Saffron, Slayer, Thor, Titan, Typhoon, Uno, Visualize (Visualice), Walt

Featured Artists – volume 2
AcidT*, Archmage, Beb, Carrion, Clone, Deev, Duce, Electric, Helm, ilesj, iLKke, Jailbird, Joe, Kenët, Leon, Louie64, Made, Mermaid, Mirage, Nero, Odyn1ec, Ooz, Pal, Piesiu, pRof, Prowler, ptoing, Redcrab, rexbeng, Ripek, Sander, SIT, Skurwy, Slayer Grafix, STE, Stone, The Sarge, Twoflower, Valsary, Veto, Wayne Schmidt, Yazoo

Featured Artists – volume 3
6VCR (sixveeceear), 8pxl, a3um, andylittle, APO+ (伊藤大作), Carrion, Deceiver, Dex, Finlal, Fleja, Fool, Gas 13, Gustavo Viselner, GuttyKreum, Helm, iLKke, いぬのや, (inunoya), Jinn, kartonnnyi, Kirokaze, Kobi, Koyot1222, Mark Ferrari, Mattias Rotman, Mr Hk, Octavi Navarro, Orange-Magik, Pakowacz, ptoing, Rallfried, Roman Gonzo, Seppuku_Doge, せたも (Setamo), Shilov, Skittle, slym, Slynyrd, Sovan Jedi, thUg (thUg-inc), tomic, Tommi Laurila, vierbit, waneella, Yes I Do

Pixel graphics in Stylish Artbook
The Masters of Pixel Art presents a selection of the very best pixel artwork and the artists behind it in an exclusive production. A beautiful coffee table book that can be presented along other art- or photo books, helping to show off the real potential of pixel art as well as inspire, impress and inform.

As additional content, many images are presented with background information, comments by the editor and in-depht stories from the artists themselves. The pixel graphics that emerged in the 80’s has inspired and created a sub-cultural era of pixelled art. This is an attempt to capture the style and soul from that period of pioneering and creativity.

More Info and News-feeds


Additional information
Weight 5.4 kg
Dimensions 30.5 × 23.6 × 7.0 cm
Book type

Quality hardback cover

Book pages


Book+Poster paper

150 g silk coated


Volume 1: 400+. Volume 2: 350+. Volume 3: 600+. Posters Collection: 32


24 pcs, 350 g cardboard. colour print (front side), black print (back side).


50 pcs, 350 g cardboard. Colour print with glossy varnish (front side), matte black print (back side).


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